Dates To Remember


May 2-4 Monthly Club
May 24-25 Stamp A Stack

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Snippet Thursday

As you can tell by the title I'm starting a new weekly card....Snippet Thursday.

You may be wondering what "Snippets" are....well they are the leftovers from cardstock, designer paper, ribbons and pieces of Paper Pumpkin, that, in my world, have no need for anymore.  In comes my friends Carol and Joyce.   They have taught me that every "snippet" has a purpose.  I've been giving my snippets to these two awesome, creative stampers for years and the creations they come up with are amazing.  Well today I have a couple of cards that they have made and every Thursday will try and post another one, its always blows me away with what they have done.


Now I don't know exactly what snippets I've given them, but I guarantee you those two women use them.

I hope you enjoy this new segment.  If you have a snippet card that you would like to share, send it to me and maybe I can spotlight you on a "Snippet Thursday".

Have a wonderful day.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Betty! It is a fun (and rewarding) challenge to come up with ways to use those smaller pieces of DSP, ribbon bits, and card stock. Makes me cringe to just "toss" them into the "circular file". (Perhaps a hold-over from my grandmother and mother's frugal influences. Nothing was thrown away until it was determined there wasn't any other way to use it or use even parts of it.)
