The Stamp A Stack is scheduled for October 24-25 at the St. Joe Fire Hall. On October 24th you can come anytime between 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. (we need everyone to be done by 9:00 p.m.). October 25th we are starting at 8:00 a.m. and need to be done by Noon.
We are offering two different kinds of cards this time, Christmas and All Occasion.
First card is one of the Christmas cards.
The next card is a sneak peak of one of the cards from the All Occasion set.
You can make these cards plus four other ones, that perhaps I'll "sneak peak" sometime. At the Stamp A Stack you make a total of five different cards four of each for a total of 20 cards (including envelopes). Cost for this is $20 for each set. The deadline to sign up is October 17th.
Hope you enjoy.