Over the past few weeks, I've been playing catch up on some of my half done projects. Well when I opened the pretty red box that came in the mail I fell in love with the cards and they were so easy.
Here are three of the designs that came with the December Paper Pumpkin.
You make a total of 8 cards.
Some of you will be receiving these cards as my "thank you" for earning my Annual Coupon Book.
My Annual Coupon book is a special just through me...if you purchase $150 from me between January 1st and March 31st you will earn a coupon book. Coupon Books are a different coupon each month for free product or a percentage off, value is approximately $5.00 or more per month.
Now is also a wonderful time to just try the new and improved Paper Pumpkin, with a paid three month subscription you can earn a Sale-A-Bration product.
Check out my Paper Pumpkin button on the right.
A cute shaker card just for doing what I usually do (buying product for Stamp Club)? Cool! Smiling because since January, I already have ordered $152.75 retail!!
ReplyDeleteYay!! Thank you. You are The Best!