Dates To Remember


May 2-4 Monthly Club
May 24-25 Stamp A Stack

Friday, July 29, 2016

August Club Cards....Sneak Peek

August is just a few days away.  Every month, typically this 1st week of the month, I have an opportunity to meet with 24 amazing women, they may have started out as customers, but our relationships have grown into such friendships, like family.

Today I would like to give you a sneak peek of the club cards for next month.

This first card I received was from Carol S. she was in a swap I was in on Sunday.

I love this quick and easy.  Its hard to tell from the picture but I used the Clear Wink of Stella on the flower.

People ask where I get my ideas from....well this one came from one of our Sunshine Stamper Demonstrators, Jennifer C.  We meet monthly and of course there is always stamping involved.  This really is a quick card doing some fancy folding.

If you would like to be a part of our monthly stamp club group please let me know.  The commitment is only for 4 months and you agree to purchase $20 each month....then one of those months you co-host the party and you don't have to do anything I provide everything and its at my house so easy!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

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