Dates To Remember


May 2-4 Monthly Club
May 24-25 Stamp A Stack

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Sunshine Stampers Monthly Get Together

Every month demonstrators that are part of our Sunshine Stampers group get together...we share ideas, do make and takes and demonstrations...everyone participates and its so much fun. 

I wanted to share with you the two make and take projects that Katie and Carol had for us.

Carol had this card for us to do...the cool thing about this is that this card is so can be any type of card, just add the greeting when you send it off..

Katie had a file folder card for us....I just love the idea of the two colors of bakers twine on the easy to do.
Thank you Carol and Katie for sharing...
I love our monthly get togethers, we all learn so much from each other.

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