Dates To Remember


May 2-4 Monthly Club
May 24-25 Stamp A Stack

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Back from Convention

Well our last Convention is over and what a time we had.  In the future our events will be more Regional and they will be called "OnStage".  Our next event will be in November in Milwaukee....and yup I'm going.  At that event they will unveil the All Occasion and Sale-A-Bration catalogs....not missing that.

This convention they unveiled the new Holiday Winter Autumn Catalog...its absolutely amazing, the new stamp sets and accessories...yup this is going to hurt.  I saw so many new ideas my head is swimming.

I first wanted to share some pictures with you...this is part of our group just before the Opening General of my downline Lisa....loves loves loves to do off we went...what a great day.

Then I was so lucky and won "Prize Patrol"  I was so excited I never win!  My gift was a new set in the new Holiday catalog called "Hello December 2015" its a stamp set that is used with Project Life, but I have some ideas on how to use it other ways too.  Now here is the real kick....everyone there won a Prize Patrol, so maybe I wasn't so lucky, but at least I was one of the first!

Here are some of the new stamp sets (all out of the new Holiday catalog)  that I received what an amazing company. 

I have been so blessed to be a part of the most amazing company in the world.  My name badge says it all...I've achieved all my goals this year and that is thanks to all my wonderful customers and my family for putting up with me.

Its so nice to be back home, but I'm looking forward to the next adventure.

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