On a personal note, my Mom and Dad were married almost 67 years when my Mom died in 2010. My dad was so lonely it was so hard to see him like that, after about a year, he realized that he needed to get out with people and we were able to enroll him the VA Adult Day Health Care Program (ADHC)....what a blessing! He met so many wonderful people. One day he called me and told me that there were some high school kids who came and visited with them, they did crafts, played bingo and just talked to them....HE LOVED IT. I immediately had to find out what school, I was so surprised when I heard it was through the Area Learning Center. I knew when I retired that I wanted to give back to all the people that helped my parents....so I contacted the head of the program and started my volunteering with the program. When I walk into the ADHC I have such a wonderful time with these guys, they appreciate everything we do for them, but if they only knew how much they did for our family, especially our Dad!
So.....one of our projects this month is Veterans Day...WOW this is such a special day because we remember all of our Veterans and I'm so proud to say that my Dad was one. For those of you that knew my Dad he was maybe a little rough around the edges, but he loved his family, country and his God and for that I'm very thankful. He was proud to have served his country during WWII and proudly wore his Purple Heart.
This weekend, my sister Brenda and I are prepping for the projects we are die cutting the stars and then next week one day I will go to the Area Learning Center to work with the students gluing the stars together....then on Friday November 7th, we will go out to the ADHC and finish the stars and play some bingo....what an honor to not only work with these students, but to spend a few hours with our Veterans.
Here is the finished product.
They can either hang the stars in their rooms or stand them up....My friend Lynell helped me come up with this idea...then I called my sister Brenda and she volunteered to help prep them...what a wonderful time we will have at the lake prepping for this and remembering "Dad".
That is GREAT in several ways! Personally, I feel so blessed to have gotten to know Rita and Lee -- very special people. I'm glad you were "led" to this volunteer project with the kids. (Isn't God great in the ways that He leads us to just what we need to be doing? And how while doing what we think is for helping others, we find it really is helping ourselves too.)